Friday, October 22, 2010

Why Organic Tampons?

100% Certified Organic Cotton
Oxygen Bleached

Free from: Chlorine, Plastics, Synthetics, Parabens, Irritants.

Organic is the natural choice for women who care about their personal health and the environment. They are made from 100% certified organic cotton and plant-based materials, free from chlorine-bleaching which products a by-product called Dioxin (a toxic carcingoen that has been linked to ill health including endometriosis and cancer. (Ref: Manufacturer's pamphlet)

Why Organic Tampons for us? We have trialled them for 7 years now with time frames of 3-4 months using Organic and then swapping back to Supermarket or Shop brand, then swapping back to the Organic brand, then back again to another Supermarket or Shop brand. We have found consistantly that when using the Organic Tampons, we have had less bleeding and over a shorter time frame! Then we have asked others and they have found the same results. Further unexpected feedback is that some experienced marginal pain reduction whilst others experienced big pain reduction, and others no change. Very interesting! So not only is this healthier for us but it is healthier for us!

Why not give them a try? Order by emailing for a price list and to place your orders. We would love your feedback.

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